Enroll Now » Funding


All Students Must Secure Funding


The Milwaukee Choice open enrollment begins on the 1st of each month and typically ends on the 20th of the same month. Applications can be started in February. We participate in the February, April, May, June, July, August, September, and December/January Milwaukee Choice windows. 

The Wisconsin Choice open enrollment begins February 1st and ends on the third Thursday in April.

If you qualify for the Choice program and have been selected with a Choice scholarship at Augustine Preparatory Academy, the cost of tuition is covered in full through this program.

Choice Application Walkthrough Video


The Special Needs Scholarship Program (SNSP) allows a student with a disability, who meets certain eligibility requirements, to receive a state-funded scholarship to attend St. Augustine Preparatory Academy.
A student must be a Wisconsin resident and must either have: (1) an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or services plan that is currently being implemented or (2) an IEP or services plan that was developed within 3 years of the anticipated enrollment year and have not subsequently been determined to no longer have a disability.
The application window for the Special Needs Scholarship Program begins July 1st and scholarships are offered on a first come-first served basis. Due to the July start of the application window, we strongly recommend submitting your student's IEP and Evaluation documentation early. Early submission of the documents will allow our student services team time to review the IEP for serviceability and begin preliminary development of a service plan. 
We also strongly recommend you review our Special Education Profile prior to applying. The Special Education Profile details the methods of instruction that will be used to provide special education and related services to students participated in the SNSP as well as the qualifications of the teachers and other persons providing special education and related services to SNSP students. You may access our Special Education Profile via the Department of Public Instruction at this link
Due to the State's timeline of the Special Needs Scholarship Program, a funding determination will not be available until after July begins. For this reason, we strongly encourage families new to SNSP secure a backup plan in advance of receiving the determination.


Families who are not participating in the Special Needs Scholarship nor the Milwaukee/Wisconsin Choice Scholarship Programs, but are interested in tuition-based enrollment should reach out to the admissions team at [email protected] for more information regarding the tuition process and available payment plans.
The total cost for tuition at St. Augustine Preparatory Academy varies by grade level.