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Parents/Guardians of students that will be new to St. Augustine Preparatory Academy must create a new PowerSchool account and submit an application here
Parents/Guardians of returning students will skip the initial application step and move straight to the Annual Update, to update emergency contacts, contact information, and so on. 
Funding must be secured each year for all students. For most students, this means annually applying through the online Choice application and providing the school a copy of their proof of residency document during the first 20 days of February.
New students will need to provide a report card. All students will need:  Household information -- address and phone numbers.  Parent information -- work and cell phone numbers, email addresses, health insurance information. Student information -- demographic and health/medication information. Doctor/Dentist information -- name and phone numbers. Emergency contact -- phone numbers, addresses.
For funding documents, please see the funding page. 

Parents/Guardians of new students can apply to the school at www.augprep.org/apply

New student applications open in the fall for enrollment the following year. 

Note- Funding is separate and has separate windows. See funding information below for more information.

Applications will be processed on a rolling basis. Applications will be accepted through April, however we make no guarantee of seats.

You must apply to the school online at www.augprep.org/apply

We recommend using a laptop or desktop computer, however, mobile devices have been used successfully. We estimate it will take about 15 minutes per student to complete the application.

School applications are reviewed every month. If we need more information from you, we'll email you using the address you provided. Expect a response by the end of the month after you apply. However, if you apply in February, expect a response in April due to the high volume of funding applications our team will be processing.
  • School applications and funding applications are separate.
    Applying for one doesn't affect the other.
    Don't delay your funding application while waiting for a school response. Proceed with both.
No! Receiving approval for your school application means you may enroll, however, you will still need to provide tuition. Your priority now should be securing funding. Most students secure funding by applying for Choice or SNSP. The Choice and Special Needs Scholarships are limited. To accept your seat at Aug Prep you must confirm you have funding.
Yes! The Aug Prep school application is not a funding application. All applicants will also need to apply for funding through the Parental Choice Program, Special Needs Scholarship Program, or pay full tuition. Click here for more information on funding options.
Please note - Funding is NOT guaranteed, but all students are required to secure funding in order to attend.
If your student has an active IEP you must apply for the Special Needs Scholarship Program, contact [email protected] to begin the process today.
If your student does not have an IEP and you meet the income requirements set here, then you should apply for the Parental Choice Program.
If your student does not have an IEP, and you do not meet the income requirements, you will need to pay tuition, contact [email protected] for a tuition agreement to secure your seat today.
Please note - Funding is NOT guaranteed, but all students are required to secure funding in order to attend.
The Parental Choice Program opens February 1st and closes February 20th for Milwaukee residents. The Special Needs Scholarship Program requires a meeting with our Student Services Director and must be scheduled as soon as possible, contact [email protected] to schedule a meeting.
Additional information for the Choice program can be found here. You can begin your Choice application here.
Additional information for the Special Needs Scholarship Program can be found here.
Please note- Funding is NOT guaranteed, but all students are required to secure funding in order to attend.
Yes! Everyone must submit an online application.
A certain GPA is not required to apply, however Aug Prep reserves the right to place your child in the appropriate grade for your child's abilities. A certain GPA is required in order to be promoted to the next grade.
Yes, we have the ability to service certain individualized education plans. Please contact [email protected] to schedule a mandatory meeting with our student services director about your student's education plan.
Note- Due to the State's timeline of the Special Needs Scholarship Program, a funding determination will not be available until after July begins. For this reason, we strongly encourage families new to SNSP secure a backup plan in advance of receiving the determination.
Siblings of current students do receive a preferential placement, however month in which applications are received gives the strongest preference.
Contact [email protected] or sign up for virtual office hours here.
Click here to submit a help ticket.
If the application is saying you cannot Submit, be sure you have completed all required fields.